High-Performance Heating Solutions

Request your free quote and one of our experts will contact you to recommend the heating system that best suits your needs.

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Heating SystemsServicesGet my quote

 on the South Shore 

Premium Quality
Heating Systems

By combining our expertise and a high-performance heating system, you will obtain an ideal temperature level in your home during cold weather. MST’s heat pumps and furnaces are ultra-efficient and adapted to our climate and your needs. With them, you will optimize your family’s comfort while preserving the quality of the ambient air that you breathe.

We have the central heating system that will meet your needs, whether a best value-for-money model or a high-performance one.

You can choose from a wide range of electric furnaces tailored to your requirements.

We only offer reputable and reliable brands, including Coleman, Mitsubishi Electric, Stelpro, and Steffes, known for the quality of their products.

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Maintenance and Repair Services

With the utmost care, we provide maintenance for your heat pump, air conditioner, and air exchanger to prevent breakdowns and optimize their performance.

The members of our technical team hold an operating license for their respective trades, whether they are:



  • Central Heating and Air Conditioning System

  • Wall-Mounted Heat Pump and Air Conditioner

  • Air Exchanger



Maintenance consists of checking the overall operation of the system, gas and electrical connections, seals, etc. For these appliances:

  • Refrigeration technician

  • Sheet metal worker

  • Electrician

  • Natural gas and propane technician

  • Stationary machine mechanic

  • Certified by the manufacturer

Your comfort is our top priority.

Ask for a quote

Request your free quote and one of our experts will contact you to recommend the best heating system for your needs.


«Service très professionnel. Après l’installation les lieux étaient très propres. Technicien amical et respectueux. Nous aimons notre appareil, il est performant et silencieux.»

Jocelyne Blais

«J'ai fait installer 2 thermopompes chez moi et on a eu un très bon service, ils ont fait ça rapidement et la finition très propre. Les techniciens étaient très gentils et professionnels.»

Michel Bisson

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Remplacement de fournaise à l'huile
Fournaise au gaz naturel, fournaise au gaz propane

Other Central Systems
Gas and Oil Furnaces

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Request your free quote and one of our experts will contact you to recommend the system that best suits your needs.

Find your Heating System

Profitez d'une subvention pouvant aller jusqu'à 5000$

Obtenez plus d'infos sur les subventions applicables en discutant avec un de nos experts

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Des offres qui vous réchaufferont

La subvention Chauffez vert vous apporte une aide financière lorsque vous remplacez un système de chauffage central au mazout ou au propane par un système utilisant une énergie renouvelable, tel que les thermopompes.

Obtenez une subvention lors de rénovations pour améliorer l'efficacité énergétique de votre résidence, incluant l'installation d'une thermopompe admissible.

Ce programme fédéral offre des subventions et des prêts pour aider les propriétaires à effectuer des rénovations à leurs maisons afin de les rendre plus écoénergétiques.

Ce programme vous offre une subvention lors de l’installation ou du remplacement d’une thermopompe admissible.

Une aide financière est offerte aux clients désirant faire installer un système de chauffage central Steffes avec accumulateur de chaleur. Une aide supplémentaire de 7000 $ est offerte si vous faites installer en même temps une thermopompe centrale admissible. Parlez à un expert pour en savoir plus.

Ce programme a été conçu pour encourager la construction de maisons neuves à haute performance énergétique. Une aide financière est accordée au premier acheteur et une subvention supplémentaire est offerte si une thermopompe admissible est installée.

Jusqu’à 1525 $ en subvention

50$ pour chaque millier de BTU de chauffage à -8

Subvention jusqu'à 4000$ sur les maisons neuves

Subvention jusqu'à 5000$ prêt sans intérêt jusqu'à 40 000$

50$ pour chaque millier de BTU de chauffage à -8

L’incitatif Hydro-Québec et Steffes : LogisVert
une aide financière de
15 000$ 
 +   7 000$

Reliability Guaranteed

Energy Savings

High-Performance Systems

Flawless Installation


Air climatisé Mitsubishi
Air climatisé Fujitsu

Trusted brands


Financing available


1 450 427-8471

Central System with an Electric Furnace

Services d'entretien et de réparation

Avec le plus grand soin, nous assurons l’entretien de votre thermopompe, de votre climatiseur et de votre échangeur d’air afin de prévenir les bris et ainsi optimiser leur rendement.




Demande d'entretien

Obtenez un air pur dans toute votre maison. Demandez votre entretien dès maintenant!

Techniciens certifiés expérimentés

  • Refrigeration technicians

  • Sheet metal workers

  • Electricians

  • Natural gas and propane technicians

  • Stationary machine mechanics

  • Team members certified by the manufacturer.

Since 1976, MST has been a family-owned company specializing in air conditioning and heating.

In addition to possessing all the necessary certifications, our technicians will take the time to advise and inform you about your new air conditioning and heating system.

MST, The strength of a team of experts dedicated to your comfort.

Why MST?

Our team is composed of:

4.7/5 - 430 Google Reviews


Central System with Electric Furnace and Heat Pump

The remarkable energy efficiency of the electric furnace is due to recent technological advancements. The electric furnace is silent and filters the air efficiently, accumulating dust and allergens in its filters. It does not emit any dangerous particles. Energy-efficient, quiet, clean and safe. 

Oil Furnace Replacement

Is your oil heating system getting old, and are you considering replacing it with an electric or dual-energy system? Converting your system is eco-friendly, economical and compact, and you no longer have to get oil delivered! Take advantage of grants to make the switch.

Central system with Gas Furnace

Since it heats quickly, a gas furnace is recommended for houses with many separated rooms where the air does not circulate naturally. Many of them have an electric system to take over in case of a lack of fuel (dual energy backup system). Quick, powerful and flexible.

Maintenance, Cleaning and Repair Services




Ask for a quote

Get clean air throughout your entire home. Schedule your maintenance now!

Experienced certified technicians

With the utmost care, we provide maintenance for your heat pump, air conditioner, and air exchanger to prevent breakdowns and optimize their performance.


"Very professional service. The premises were very clean after installation. Friendly and respectful technician. We love our appliance; it is efficient and quiet."

Jocelyne Blais

"I had 2 heat pumps installed at my place, and we received excellent service. They did it quickly, and the finish was spotless. The technicians were very kind and professional."

Michel Bisson

Our Certifications

The proper installation of an appliance is a crucial step. The execution, efficiency, maintenance, and lifespan of your heating system depend on the competence of the professionals installing it.

+45 years
at the service of our clients

+30 employees
 experts, and certified professionals

+2 500 projects
installations and service calls

+20 000 satisfied clients
satisfied with their MST system

MST, in a few figures

Grants for heat pumps

Benefit from a subsidy of up to $10, 000

Up to $1275 in subsidies

$50 for every thousand BTU of heating at -8°C

Get more information on applicable subsidies by talking to one of our experts.

Talk to an expert

Get a high-efficiency central heating system tailored to your existing infrastructure!

Optimize your comfort

The Experts in

Logis Vert Hydro-Québec: 
Up to $6,700 in grant funding

Up to $10,000 in subsidy for median household income